How to wear plus size floral pants and look elegant

Last updated on September 8th, 2016 at 12:51 am

Floral pants is one of the most girly and fun garments for all women. Don’t just wear your plus size floral pants during summer. It can be a beautiful part of a spring outfit and you can wear it in classic ways or mix and match with other prints. Don’t forget to accessorize and follow the rule ‘less is more’.


If you want to combine floral pants with many colors, you must choose a dark and neutral color shade in floral. Make it more discreet with blue floral and color bluck on the upper body. Wear a royal blue shirt, a deep green blazer and black strapped heels.


A total black outfit gets much more interesting if the pants are floral. You can keep it classic with a black chiffon top and booties or mix and match with a striped top in black and white, white or pastel pointy heels and a sequin clutch bag.


A beautiful casual outfit with many colors that makes you feel more confident and happy. Put on floral cropped pants, pastel heels, a gray tshirt and a unisex denim shirt. Complete it with a camel or gray coat and an oversized neutral bag.


One of the most stylish outfits with floral pants that flatters plus size women so much. Put on black floral pants, white or pastel pointy heels, a hot pink top and complete it with the fashion forward long blazer form the 80’s. A black classic bag and a gold watch are the perfect accessories.


The floral set is an 80’s trend that we should adopt if we want to be super stylish. A pair of white floral pants and a matching peplum top. Make it suitable for work with black brogues and a blazer or make it formal with metallic heels and a faux fur coat.

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--> Posted by Klelia on March 19, 2016