How to wear pastel pink pants in plus size outfits

Last updated on May 11th, 2017 at 08:42 am

Pastel pink is the representative color of spring and you can’t leave it out from your closet. In fact, you should wear it in casual or stylish garments and create total pastel outfits or mix and match with less casual items. Let’s see the most fashionable spring outfits that include pastel pink pants.


The perfect mix and match for a fashionable spring. Combine pastel pink pants with a light white cardigan, a cropped leather jacket and leather peep toe heels. Style it up with a pastel or gray fedora hat and coral lipstick.


Pastel pink is super girly and you can wear it in total pastel outfits or make it pat of an edgy look. Keep it romantic with a white or beige shirt and matching platforms and grab a pastel blue or mint bag. Or you can mix and match with a leather jacket and pastel oxfords.


Go to work combining pastel pink cigarette pants with a feminine white shirt and nude or metallic high heels. Complete it with a chic blazer in white or pink and create a female suit. If you are having a romantic first date, wear these pants with a lace black top, strapped high heels and a sequin clutch bag.


The casual and young aspect of the spring outfit that includes pastel pink pants. Combine them with a white top, a denim shirt and metallic platforms. Style your look up with an oversized bag, a geometric necklace and a pink ring.


If you want to be uber stylish, combine pastels with a fun print. For example, combine pastel pink pants with a geometric print peplum top and a beige cardigan. Complete it with a pair of navy blue ballerina shoes or flatforms and a pair of pink earrings in small size.

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--> Posted by Klelia on March 25, 2016