How to wear a plus size faux fur coat in style

Last updated on October 30th, 2018 at 09:50 pm

A fur coat should be faux because we want to be eco friendly and respect the nature. Besides, faux fur coats and vests are a trend for this season and it will be very easy for you to find. You can wear them as part of a formal event, a party or even mix and match with your jeans and sneakers. Let’s see how plus size faux fur coats should be worn.


We love colorful garments, especially if we are talking about faux fur coats. If you pick a garment like this one, keep it simple with a black and white combination. Black denim or cigarette pants and a white feminin shirt. Complete it with black or pastel high heels.

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--> Posted by Klelia on February 4, 2016